Feeling ashamed sometimes


support in execute: Marek Pędziwiatr


The duck is a souvenir from my grandparents’ house
where I spent a long period of my childhood. It stood
by my crib at the time when I didn’t yet understand
that it was dead. For that reason I had feelings for it.
It’s set in motion by a motor with worm gear.
The narrative is introduced by a lullaby
that symbolically plays for a stuffed animal.
In the context of audio work, it can be interpreted as
separation from a child’s view of the world.


stop motion animation, 1:33 min


Why we need dialogue?

video, 2:27 min


Work inspired by the lack of dialogue in the
family home often resulting from an overly
Christian attitude.

performance, MD_S Gallery, Wrocław


Work touches upon the subject of a social
pressure, vaulting ambition, the need to achieve
“something”, to become “someone”.
I wrote three words on the wall
– recurrence
– recognition
– reality
then I slowly rubbed the text into my skin.

not enough to make me laugh / za mało nawet żeby smeszic


“One Hundred Children” a poem by W. Szymborska translated into the language of sounds and images

Each letter corresponds to a different sample. The sound database consists of the poet’s clicks and gasps,
through fragments of speeches by Andrzej Gołota, the object of Wisława’s interest.
Next we can hear the sounds of the May Day procession, speeches by Gierek, Jaruzelski and Bierut,
the whole thing is crowned by meetings of John Paul II with young people.

The visual layer is the image displayed by the oscilloscope.